The Powerpuff Girls – The Good Episodes!

After we use mouthwash to wash the taste away of those last 10 episodes, it’s time to reveal what I think are the top 10 best episodes of The Powerpuff Girls. This was way harder to make than the worst list for many reasons, but I believe I found my top 10.

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The Powerpuff Girls – The Bad Episodes!

I’ve been doing mini GIFsets of every episode of the original Powerpuff Girls, along with short summaries and reviews of them. That was the original intention of Fly Pow Bye, and I just never did it until now. Finally, after completing a rather different mission that wasn’t nearly as entertaining, at least, not intentionally, Fly Pow Bye’s original mission has been completed. I had to do something special to celebrate that, so why not do two different top tens? Worst is first!

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Powerpuff Girls 2016 – The Title Card Stack-Up

One of the artistic choices the show makes is its use of unique title cards. On one hand, the reboot’s title cards lack the punch of the original’s. The original had the Powerpuff Girls flying, making. In the reboot, it’s lumpy text with some drawings surrounding it with some soft ambient techno over it. On the other hand, the reboot lacks the punch of the original, so they fit perfectly.

One improvement I can see with these title cards is the variety. The originals do not have pictures, it’s just white text on black background. The reboot has these works of art for each episode. I don’t hate the original’s title cards, far from it, but I couldn’t rank them. Just for fun, I’m going to rank my top favorite title cards of PPG 2016. These will be ranked based on if they fit their episode and whether or not they look great.

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